Think of the things you least like to do, then put em’ on my list!

You no longer have to spend your time and energy on draining tasks. At Give Liz A List, our personal concierge services are exactly what you need to enjoy those life-giving, memory-making moments without the stress of life’s little to-dos. 

Now, those are my to-dos! 

Concierge services for every want, need, & season

Our concierge services are tailored to your needs. They are designed to simplify your life and give you the space and energy to enjoy it. No more wasted hours on tasks you would rather procrastinate or ignore. Hiring a personal assistant keeps the daily tasks on track while planning for the bigger events and shifts that will occur throughout the year.

Working with Give Liz A List is the easiest way to ditch the stress and overwhelm of modern-day living in the fast lane so you can take a step back and find pause in the now

What could personal concierge services look like for you? 

These are just a selection of previous clients' tasks on my list:

  • Weekly or Bi-weekly house resets, including light cleaning & laundry service (one of my clients calls this “Lizifying the House”)

  • Complete party planning and execution

  • Vacation planning, booking, packing, and unpacking

  • Gift purchasing, wrapping, or curating holiday baskets

  • Personal shopping/returns

  • Meal preparation and menu planning

  • At-home and on-the-go to-dos

  • Holiday decorating/un-decorating

  • Organize paperwork, piles, and files for efficiency

  • Assist with bill payment and mail management

  • Pet and house-sitting

As your personal task-tamer, I can use my intuitive skillset to consistently remove more items from your list and leave you with the freedom you crave. 


30-minute complimentary, no-obligation zoom discovery call or in-person visit

Concierge Services are unique-to-you services that are custom-quoted after your discovery session.


$75 per hour | single session, minimum of five hours

Learn about our travel fees for in-state, out of state, and out of country on our Professional Organizing Services Page.

Personal concierge services can change your life for the better

Let go of all those things you simply can’t find the time to do.